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Keyword search: Buckland

Displaying articles 61 to 80 out of 136 total.

‘A much-needed amenity’: Shelburne Falls Community Fridge returns
08-08-2024 2:23 PM


BUCKLAND — After a couple of years of closures and relocation, the Shelburne Falls Community Fridge has a new home next to Buckland Town Hall and will be loaded with food on Tuesday, Aug. 13. The motto is “take what you need, leave what you can,”...

Buckland plans for up to $610K in road, culvert repairs
08-07-2024 12:12 PM


BUCKLAND — Road and culvert repairs are being planned for Avery Road, Elm Street and North Street, with the Selectboard and Finance Committee agreeing Monday to allocate roughly $610,000 toward the work.Heavy rain in early July prompted the...

Buckland event to help identify invasive species, including mile-a-minute vine
08-06-2024 9:35 AM


BUCKLAND — As several residents find mile-a-minute vine in their neighborhood, the public is invited to join an invasive species walk this weekend to learn how to identify the vine and other invaders.Folks can join the Shelburne Open Space Committee...

$3.9M to boost housing, services in six Franklin County towns
08-04-2024 1:01 PM


Six Franklin County municipalities are benefiting from a total of $3.9 million in Community Development Block Grants that will support housing, social services, water quality and infrastructure projects.The CDBG program is available to fund housing...

Marilyn Kelsey: Applauds ethics
07-31-2024 6:54 PM

What do beautiful, collectible, vintage cars have in common with old women? Practically nothing! It is generally a man’s world.But in spite of nothing, I was valued and respected as an elderly female customer by the amazing staff at Greenfield Auto...

Budding organization in Buckland sets its sights on expanding trail access
07-27-2024 4:01 PM


BUCKLAND — A budding organization is in the process of envisioning a network of trails that would expand recreational opportunities in western Franklin County.Chris Skelly, a passionate hiker and the leader of the effort, has taken inspiration from...

Local history museums unite for one day: Third annual Hilltown History Trail welcomes visitors from near and far, Aug. 3
07-26-2024 2:52 PM


The Hilltown History Trail was started out of a desire to enable community members to access the rich and thoughtful local history museums often open only a few hours per week. It is returning for its third year the first Saturday in August, despite...

West County Notebook: July 23, 2024
07-22-2024 2:16 PM

Charlemont activist to speak on trip to PalestineCHARLEMONT — Activist Sherrill Hogen, who recently returned home to Charlemont from a trip to the West Bank, Palestine, will share her experiences and photos in a Zoom program on Wednesday, July 24,...

Invasive species mile-a-minute vine found again in Buckland
07-21-2024 2:01 PM


BUCKLAND — Peggy Warwick was on a walk one day in her neighboring town when she came across a peculiar looking plant featuring triangular leaves, curved thorns and saucer-shaped leaves on the stem.Soon enough, Warwick, a member of Shelburne’s Open...

West County Notebook: July 16, 2024
07-15-2024 3:35 PM

Ashfield Rod and Gun Club hosting archery shoot, pig roast PLAINFIELD — The Ashfield Rod and Gun Club, located at 161 North St. in Plainfield, will host a pop-up archery shoot and pig roast on Saturday, July 27.The archery shoot begins at 11 a.m. and...

‘Summer Day on the Buckland Common’ back for eighth year
07-12-2024 4:53 PM


BUCKLAND — For the eighth year, several Buckland organizations are joining forces to put on the “Summer Day on the Buckland Common” event.The free event will be held on Saturday, July 20, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Buckland Common is located at 17...

My Turn: Baby boomers and millennials meet … at the open convention
07-11-2024 8:00 PM


 There are few things that baby boomers like better than nostalgia. That is why a full house was on hand the other night at Tanglewood to listen to an extraordinarily peppy John Fogerty run through his catalog of hits backed by two of his sons.And...

West County Notebook: July 9, 2024
07-08-2024 1:39 PM

Sanderson Academy seeks after-school enrichment leaders ASHFIELD — Sanderson Academy is looking for after-school enrichment leaders for the 2024-2025 school year.Visit to fill out a survey to share what it is you are...

David Parrella: Better Angels
07-03-2024 2:52 PM

The Civil War was the cultural midpoint in our history. Everything about slavery since the founding foreshadowed it. Everything subsequently seems to refer back to the unfulfilled promises of reconstruction. In early 1861 Lincoln delivered his first...

Mohawk Trail Regional School Honor Roll, Fourth Quarter
06-27-2024 12:36 PM

Seventh GradeHigh Honors: Maya Baunsgard, Kayden Berry, Harper Briggs, Teagan Donahue, Oliver Ferris, Isabella Filiault, Zavel Gardner, Armando Gonzalez, Ava LaCross, Wyeth Miller, Abigail Osterman, Lydia Pinkham, Ryah Pizzi, Cole Raffa, Benjamin...

Mary Lyon Foundation proposes resource center, likely in Shelburne or Buckland
06-19-2024 1:38 PM


BUCKLAND — The Mary Lyon Foundation plans to build or renovate a resource center in western Franklin County within the next five years to help meet residents’ needs.“We’re looking to build a center that would be an intergenerational center where it...

West County Notebook: June 12, 2024
06-11-2024 3:28 PM

History Society program to detail murder of Civil War vet COLRAIN — “Murder on Catamount” will be the topic of a program following this month’s meeting of the Colrain Historical Society at the Stacy Barn, 8 Main Road, on Thursday, June 13.Prentice...

Incumbent Selectboard member retains seat in Buckland election
06-06-2024 12:11 PM


BUCKLAND — Incumbent Selectboard Chair Clinton “Clint” Phillips fended off a challenge from Planning Board member Maria-Elena Mariel Olcoz in Tuesday’s town election, as he was reelected to his seat, 313-59.The Selectboard race was the only contested...

Woman injured in rollover crash in Buckland
06-05-2024 3:34 PM


BUCKLAND — A woman was taken to Cooley Dickinson Hospital Wednesday afternoon following a single-vehicle rollover crash on Route 112 near Purinton Road.Shelburne Police Department Sgt. Kurt Gilmore said the driver, a woman in her 60s, suffered what...

West County Notebook: June 5, 2024
06-04-2024 3:34 PM

Goodnow earns Deane Jones Memorial Scholarship Mohawk Trail Regional School student Sophia Goodnow of Shelburne received this year’s $1,000 Deane Jones Memorial Scholarship.This award is given through Trinity Church to a graduating high school student...

Displaying articles 61 to 80 out of 136 total.

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