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My Turn: On some things, there’s just no middle ground
01-23-2025 11:43 PM


Displaying articles 1 to 10 out of 10 total.

In $20M deal, New Hampshire timber company buys, will preserve 2,400 acres in 7 towns
01-12-2025 11:01 AM


AMHERST — A New Hampshire timber company has closed on a massive land buy of nearly 2,400 acres in seven communities in Hampshire and Franklin counties, acquiring five parcels for more than $20 million from Amherst-based W.D. Cowls Inc.

Amherst-Pelham Regional towns struggle to split school budget tab
12-17-2024 5:11 PM


AMHERST — Already facing a possible $1.26 million deficit in next year’s $37.54 million operating budget for the Amherst-Pelham Regional Schools, officials from the four member towns are divided on the best approach for both closing that gap and...

Thom Martens: Appalled by UMass men’s basketball coaching style
12-11-2024 9:55 PM

As a UMass alum, longtime basketball fan, and human being, I am appalled by the behavior of the UMass basketball coach, Frank Martin. His screaming in the face of his players in front of an arena full of fans is nothing less than abuse, not to mention...

Backed by award, Northfield entomologist looks to future research
12-02-2024 1:20 PM


NORTHFIELD — Growing up on a dead-end road in Pelham surrounded by nature, Charley Eiseman couldn’t help but take interest in the natural world.It was this early love for the environment that ultimately led Eiseman down the career path of entomology,...

‘Still on the books’: Towns continue to appoint fence viewers, a position dating back to 1647
09-30-2024 3:47 PM


LEYDEN — With a small Highway Department and one mowing machine, some residents pitched the idea in the September edition of the town newsletter to create the Friends of the Leyden DPW, which would see them mow their frontage to take the load off the...

Amherst may kick in $800K more for track project; will ask regional towns to contribute $411K
08-06-2024 10:03 AM


AMHERST — Another $800,000 in Community Preservation Act money is being recommended by Amherst officials so the $4.41 million plan to rebuild and reorient the Amherst-Pelham Regional High School’s track and its interior field can proceed.While...

My Turn: Quabbin protection, potential
05-24-2024 2:42 PM


Writer Mike McGee makes several relevant points in his recent column on benefits to the public from the Quabbin-Ware watershed lands [“Quabbin region will never see any bounty,” Gazette, May 13]. However, there are several points that can be helpful...

Biologists, governor visit bear den in Pelham
03-13-2024 10:15 AM

PELHAM — State biologists took the governor for a visit to a black bear den in Pelham last week as part of ongoing research.Each winter, biologists from the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) visit the dens of female black...

Leslie Nyman: Save Medicare from corporate profiteers
11-28-2023 4:46 PM

More than half of Medicare beneficiaries now have for-profit corporations in charge of their care through Medicare Advantage plans. Insurance companies are well paid for these plans and much of that taxpayer money does not find its way to patient...

Bill would compensate towns harmed by creation of Quabbin Reservoir
04-26-2023 7:46 PM


BOSTON — Four towns were disincorporated and dismantled, and another eight had land stripped from them, to create the Quabbin Reservoir in the first half of the 20th century.People were forced to find new homes and the valley was flooded with water,...

Displaying articles 1 to 10 out of 10 total.

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