Keyword search: SOUTH DEERFIELD MA
Founders Day Celebration being held in Deerfield DEERFIELD — To commemorate Deerfield’s 350th anniversary, there will be a Founders’ Day weekend celebration on May 6 and 7.The celebration will kick off on Saturday, May 6, from 1 to 4 p.m. on the lawn...
DEERFIELD — After taking a week to review Tree House Brewing Co.’s plans to increase occupancy for outdoor concerts and other special events, the Selectboard approved the amendments to the brewery’s permit on Tuesday evening.The brewery appeared...
DEERFIELD — While showing initial support on Wednesday, the Selectboard continued a hearing on increasing Tree House Brewing Co.’s occupancy limit to next week as members review the details of the proposed plans.After operating for more than a year in...
Sue Corey is a great assistant at the South County Senior Center in South Deerfield.Even though events have gone from center to church to down the block, she keeps a handle on all the changes. Sue has been there when many others have come and gone....
SOUTH DEERFIELD — Easthampton just needed some time to warm up.The Eagles softball team trailed Frontier Regional by two runs after three innings during Friday’s season opener. Cloudy skies and temperatures in the 40s necessitated jackets.Then Lauren...
SOUTH DEERFIELD — Some Frontier Regional School students got a reality check Tuesday morning.Not in the form of a bad test score or a detention, but a spinning wheel that determined if they earned or lost (fake) money. The wheel and numerous other...
Congratulations to Deerfield on its 350th anniversary and thank you to all the people through the centuries who helped preserve the history and material culture of the town. Deerfield has been my home for many years and I have a deep love and...
Voters passed the Fair Share amendment making a historic commitment to education and transportation by finally instituting a graduated tax structure to the top less than one percent in the state. Our tax structure had not been changed since the early...
SOUTH DEERFIELD — Take a step back into the Roaring Twenties at Frontier Regional School this weekend, as students step into the glitzy world of Broadway’s longest-running American musical, “Chicago.” After murdering an unfaithful lover, Roxie Hart is...
I’m responding to the Feb. 28 letter “More compassion for immigrants needed,” in which he proclaimed that if you are not of Indigenous descent then you are an immigrant. I am 83 years old and my two pairs of grandparents came to the U.S. in the early...
SOUTH DEERFIELD — After a robust discussion on state funding and limited feedback on the Frontier Regional School District budget itself, the School Committee approved the fiscal year 2024 budget Wednesday evening.At Tuesday’s public hearing, Director...
DEERFIELD — As SunnyDayz Inc. proceeds through a site plan review for its proposed marijuana dispensary, cultivation facility and research lab, the Planning Board is requesting “more specificity” from the company to streamline future hearings.The...
I’ve been fighting for compensation from the U.S. Marine Corps since 1970. There wouldn’t be a United States if we didn’t win two world wars. When we get our compensation checks the lawyers will get 40% of the money and you can bet taxes will be taken...
Thank you Ben Tobin for your column regarding early intervention [“Spotting disabilities early vital,” Feb. 23] but trouble begins from the day a child exits the hospital with a required car seat encouraging parents to immobilize them in this device...
BOSTON — With a background in showing cattle at fairs and working on the family farm in South Deerfield, the state’s new agriculture commissioner has a Franklin County flair to her.South Deerfield native Ashley Randle has been tapped by the...
Seventh GradeMaximum Honors: Joseph Bobala, Anneke Bosman, Elsa Brown, Ber Calhoun, Evva Campbell, Liv Christensen, Maia Christensen, Oliver Cranston, Jack Cusson, Tessa D’Urso, Saskia Ebling, Kayla Fagan, Dean Gray, Nahusha Gudimella, Nimisha...
SOUTH DEERFIELD — In hopes of reducing Frontier Regional School’s reliance on fossil fuels, the Deerfield Energy Committee plans to rally its counterparts to work with the school on green planning.Two representatives of Deerfield’s Energy Committee...
On Jan. 23, 76-year-old Ellen Gilland fatally shot her terminally ill husband while he lay in his hospital bed in Daytona Beach, Florida as part of a murder-suicide pact. Mrs. Gilland was arrested and charged with first degree murder. This tragic and...
DEERFIELD — The Planning Board kicked off the special permitting process for a proposed “cannabis campus” on Monday, as SunnyDayz Inc. presented the initial plan for its three-building site.The company, which signed a host community agreement with the...
Transfer Station closed today due to frigid temperatures DEERFIELD — Due to the forecasted subzero temperatures and wind chills, the Deerfield Transfer Station will be closed Saturday, Feb. 4.Instead, the Transfer Station, at 42 Lee Road, will be open...
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