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Displaying articles 121 to 140 out of 228 total.

Presentation, dance at GCC to shed light on Native American culture
02-22-2024 10:56 AM

GREENFIELD – Western Mass Rights of Nature and the Nolumbeka Project are holding a pair of events at Greenfield Community College on Friday and Saturday that will teach attendees more about Native American culture.The two organizations first invite...

Nature Photo Contest
02-19-2024 7:02 AM

Speaking of Nature: Midnight wail — The call of the Red Fox
02-19-2024 6:00 AM


It was early in the morning.  I had a fresh cup of coffee and a little something to nibble on as I sat down at my computer and tried to make a decision.  What was I going to write about this week?  There were two ideas rattling around in my head but...

PHOTO: Getting sappy
02-13-2024 4:46 PM

The remedy is in your own backyard: Conway resident enhances health through herbal medicine
02-13-2024 10:53 AM


Lynn Golan’s Conway home and her Greenfield work space are both filled with materials and tools related to herbalism, yet her early life gave no hints that this would become her chosen path. While growing up near New York City, Golan did not grow a...

Speaking of Nature: A romantic evening for two birders: To hear the wonderful sounds of the Saw-whet Owl, one must go outside at night
02-12-2024 6:01 AM


It was a cold winter’s night and my beautiful wife Susan and I were watching movies. There was a fire crackling in the wood stove, we were enjoying good food and drink and we were both all snoodled up and comfy. It was everything you could have wanted...

PHOTOS: Attracting an audience
02-08-2024 12:54 PM

Speaking of Nature: Where have all the birds gone?: They’re there, and here’s a handy tool to keep track of their appearances
02-05-2024 6:01 AM


I receive emails from readers throughout the year and I do my best to respond to them in a timely manner. Sometimes messages pile up in my inbox and sometimes things get filed incorrectly, but I genuinely do try to respond to every one. This year (the...

PHOTO: Alert avian
02-01-2024 4:36 PM

PHOTO: Eagle eye
01-30-2024 3:26 PM

PHOTO: Serene snowscape
01-29-2024 2:22 PM

Speaking of Nature: Who is that mysterious woodpecker?: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker has caused quite a stir with readers
01-29-2024 6:00 AM


My selection of a writing topic is not always an easy thing. Sometimes I sit down to the keyboard and find myself completely stuck. I haven’t had an idea all week and at the last minute I still find myself with nothing to focus on. These are the...

PHOTO: Nature prevails
01-23-2024 3:04 PM

Land gift provides vital conservation, recreation link in hilltowns
01-23-2024 10:49 AM

A recent donation of 132 acres to Hilltown Land Trust will link Williamsburg’s Briar Hill Conservation Area to the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) State Forest in Goshen, extending hiking trails and wildlife corridors, conservation...

Speaking of Nature: Drama at the feeders: The arrival of winter means the arrival of some foul-weather friends
01-22-2024 6:00 AM


It appears as though winter has finally arrived. November and December (most of which is technically autumn) were very mild and all through the Christmas break the high temperatures were consistently above freezing. This resulted in little to no snow...

Art inspired by nature’s relationships: Montague resident shares artworks and tidbits about our natural world
01-16-2024 10:46 AM


Contra dance enthusiasts and Montague May Day fans may recognize today’s guest star as Jeanne Weintraub, while people who met the Montague resident following her marriage to Chris Mason — whose sustainability and alternative energy work merits a...

Speaking of Nature: It happens every year: Robins brave the snow in search of food
01-15-2024 7:00 AM


Every winter I get a few emails from readers who want to know if it is normal to see American Robins in winter and every winter I send out responses that indicate that the presence of these birds is quite normal. I then go on to discuss various...

PHOTO: Clean slate
01-10-2024 4:23 PM

PHOTO: Beacon of light
01-07-2024 12:22 PM

PHOTO: Checking the rearview
01-03-2024 10:09 AM

Displaying articles 121 to 140 out of 228 total.

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