Hawley officials seek input on redesign of hazardous road
Published: 06-07-2024 9:16 AM |
HAWLEY — A meeting with the Selectboard and representatives of the Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) recently addressed residents’ concerns and welcomed ideas to effectively redesign a curvy, hazardous section of Route 8A known as the Dugway.
The anticipated multi-million-dollar project would improve a dangerous stretch of road through the west side of Hawley that has a steep slope bordering the Chickley River. According to town officials, retaining walls that support the hill on the opposite side of the river are on the verge of collapse, resulting in soil sliding down onto the roadway. It also has narrow lanes, limited visibility and no shoulders — factors that contribute to it being a high crash area for cars and particularly trucks.
“There are a lot more trucks going through there,” noted FRCOG’s Senior Transportation Planning Engineer Laurie Scarborough. “It is narrow, so if two trucks were to try to pass, it could definitely feel hazardous.”
“When you’re coming into the Dugway from the northern side, there are points where you are actually looking in the opposite direction from where traffic is actually coming at you,” explained Selectboard member Hussain Hamdan.
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) and FRCOG volunteered to help develop a plan to address the problems in 1978 and 1997, but could not reach an agreement with the town on a proper reconstruction plan both times. Route 8A has been pummeled by harsh weather since then, including heavy rainstorms and Hurricane Irene in 2011. According to Hamdan, the Dugway has narrowly survived.
The increase in truck traffic on Route 8A is a particular area of concern.
“There was a previous detour that led truck traffic to Route 8A and there are supposedly still signs that may direct truck traffic to Route 8A that citizens referenced that is causing more traffic,” Hamdan said. “There would be a lot of serious obstacles, both legal and practical, to try and prevent truck traffic on the road.”
Some of the main ideas to fix the Dugway include straightening the road to improve driver visibility, incorporate more signs that could include a police radar to reduce driving speeds, and restoration of the retaining walls supporting the hill next to the road. Another potential idea is to widen the road lanes, although some residents worry that would lead drivers to increase their speeds.
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Resident Tedd White offered a written proposal that redesigns the road, without excessive spending to restore the retaining walls. Several residents favor the proposal, according to Hamdan. Hawley town officials, FRCOG and MassDOT will engage in further discussions to form a plan that can be agreed upon.
“Even the funding for the design would be costly. Typically we think that design costs are between 10% and 15% of what the future construction costs would be,” Scarborough explained. “Because of the complications and the geology of the land behind that wall, it’s hard to estimate without having settled on a realignment plan. We can’t quite pinpoint the cost but it’s gonna be in the multiple millions of dollars.”
Residents who are interested in weighing in on the Dugway’s design and current deficiencies are invited to fill out a physical form they can request at the Town Office or an online form that is available at surveymonkey.com/r/hawleydugway.
“At this point, I think we need to digest the input that we have received both at the forum and in the form of the online and paper survey,” Hamdan said. “I think that there needs to be a conversation inside the town government between the Selectboard, Conservation Commission [and] emergency services, and contemplate some of the options that we have available to us.”