Linda Rowe: Blake Gilmore cares about senior citizens

Voters check in at the Deerfield Town Hall during a past election. STAFF FILE PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ
Published: 05-02-2024 9:05 PM |
I have been a resident of Deerfield for 60 years. I am concerned about the financial state of my town. I am a senior citizen on a fixed income. It is troubling for me to watch taxes rise considerably each year. At Town Meetings, many very expensive town projects have been voted on to complete. The town’s taxpayers are seeing higher taxes to help fund these high-priced projects.
Having strong leaders in Deerfield is important because the Select Board needs to be vigilant in watching over the finances in our town. When the town has minimal reserve accounts, it puts in jeopardy the town’s ability to pay for these high-priced projects. Hence the taxpayers are then asked to pay for the shortfall.
Fixed-income senior citizens are also in jeopardy because paying for these higher taxes is difficult with limited personal funds.
Blake Gilmore is a leader who will consider all the residents in Deerfield when making financial decisions for the town. Senior citizens will be grateful for a leader who exhibits strong fiscal decisions for the town and strong fiscal decision-making skills. I fully endorse Blake Gilmore for the Deerfield Select Board position. It is important to have a leader who will be careful to control spending in Deerfield in a more cost-effective way.
Linda Rowe
South Deerfield