Keyword search: Letters
I use our library often. Over the last week or two the side door, sliding and “automatic” and presumably controlled by a computer has been closed due to a malfunctioning part. The front door is open but also of the same type as the side, now...
As the founder of Parents for Plant Medicine, I would like to offer a correction to the recent article “Push to legalize psychedelics in Mass. met with caution” [Recorder, May 28], which incorrectly stated that my organization supported the failed...
I am quite upset with fuel assistance. They give assistance to all these “refugees” that come into the state before the people who were born in Massachusetts and have lived here all their lives. Yes, that means nothing. We were told there were...
Please give me a few moments as I enter Dr. Peabody’s Way-Back Machine.Sometime within five years and before 2008 I encountered as a School Committee member a new line item in Hawlemont’s school budget: Homeless children charge. I noted to those in...
We would like to thank the Greenfield Recorder for including a newsworthy quote from 2023 exposing the unconstitutional, immoral actions of Greenfield in taking more than what is owed for delinquent property taxes, like other municipalities across...
FirstLight’s Northfield Mountain pumped storage facility is a vile affront. It’s death and destruction. Profits are extracted, dead fish, and a crippled river are left behind. As if it was OK, I had become accustomed to its ongoing operation. Had...
Jon Huer’s Jan. 13 column is titled “Where hate burns in America.” It burns practically every day on this liberal editorial page, but of course, Huer is referring to Donald Trump and the Republican Party. That’s all this writer does is tear into Trump...
You might have noticed a few people dressed in bright orange jumpsuits on a recent Saturday in downtown Greenfield. Those orange suits are the uniforms worn by the prisoners at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.As of April 2023, the U.S. has...
Dear readers: you don’t need a geology course to visualize dinosaurs! Two hundred million years ago, the Connecticut River Valley was indeed “Jurassic Park” in a great rift valley similar to the famous ones of east Africa today. Podokesaurus, our new...
Representatives Matt Gaetz of Florida and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and joined by Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri have made wild statements and taken absurd positions. The three of them want to abandon Ukraine, which will allow Russia to...
I write to both thank Daniel Brown for his opinion pieces over the years and the Recorder for printing them. Brown’s recent piece questioned the lack of response from women’s and feminist organizations to the reported rape and sexual mutilation of...
In response to the Jan. 7 article on heat pumps, I want to add my experience [“Public slow to warm to heat pumps,” Recorder, Jan. 8]. Overall, air-source heat pump options aren’t that complicated. If you have existing forced hot air ducts, you can...
A representative of Traprock Peace center believes the rape of Israeli women did not take place [“Why feminists are silent about Oct. 7,” Recorder, Jan. 10]. Well there are videos showing just this, as well as other barbarous cruelties. They have not...
I saw firsthand the damages to our roadways during the July rainstorms, including watching a section of Lower Road fall away in front of me, taking a car with it. I was involved in the storm recovery efforts through the Deerfield Fire Department and...
If we, or any other country, knowingly supplied the lethal gas used by the Nazi regime in their concentration, or should I say death camps we would be a most hated, pariah nation. History would be quite unkind to such a nation.But we, America, are...
My wife and I are in Mission, Texas, residing less than a mile from the border on one of our frequent trips to the area. Unlike Eagle Pass, the border area is quiet, almost serene. Much of the area in south Mission, Texas, is wildlife refuges, a state...
I attended Tuesday’s information session in Deerfield, driving through snow, rain, and sleet to get there. It was worth it! The slideshow photos were eye-opening and frightening, showing the terrible damage to our roads by three separate July storms....
Our town officials work on a shoestring. They rely heavily on the expertise and hard work of dedicated volunteers. Crumbling infrastructure isn’t just in Deerfield; it’s a national problem. Our Public Works staff is stretched beyond reason, trying to...
The torrential storms last summer wreaked havoc on Deerfield’s roads and culverts, leading to millions in repair costs.At the public information session on Jan. 9, Select Board Chairwoman Carolyn Shores Ness and Police Chief John Paciorek highlighted...
The benefits of heat pumpsI read with interest the article about the challenges facing widespread adoption of heat pumps in Massachusetts (“Heat pumps slow to gain traction,” Recorder, Jan 8). Misinformation about heat-pump technology and flaws in the...
Looking at the year ahead in South County, a Recorder article on Dec. 31 pointed out that "much like the weather, the plans for at least two of those towns have changed following July's torrential rainstorms, as Deerfield and Conway are looking toward...
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